Applications are now open!Join us for life-changing dialogue, engaging bible study, and immersive learning experiences about reconciliation and justice. A spiritual pilgrimage that looks back to embrace our past and insists that our now is not separate from our then.
Putting Faith into Action
We are dedicated to making an impact by developing young leaders in our community, but we need your help in our youth program. Call now to find out how you can impact a life!
Urban communities have been decimated by instability and poor housing for decades, which has affected the lives of families. We want to restore communities by providing stable housing through the Zechariah 8 program.
We seek to equip today’s generation for the ministry of reconciliation in a time of division. Come with us on a pilgrimage to learn about the history and theology behind biblical reconciliation so that you can become an agent of change.
“A Pilgrimage South: An Up Close Reckoning with Our Nation’s History”
The Perkins Justice Pilgrimage is featured in this article. One member shares her journey toward understanding, reconciliation, and Biblical wholeness.
Emmy Nominated Film
“Reconciliation Tour”
filmed in West Jackson
Job Opportunity
The Perkins Foundation has a position open for Business Office Assistant!
Click below for application. Please send completed applications and questions to
How Do We Respond?
Our country has been racked by upheaval and unrest as we have been confronted by the long-reaching effects of racism in the form of police brutality, mass incarceration, and discrimination. In response to our nation’s crisis, many in the church have asked the question of “how do we respond as Christians to the injustices that we see today?” The problems that we are reckoning with seem so complex and deep rooted, which can paralyze us into inaction. However, we believe that the church has a responsibility to confront evil and injustice in all of its forms as a witness to the character of the God that we follow.
This conviction that God calls us to confront injustice has guided our ministry in underserved communities over the last 60 years. It has driven us to also equip and empower Christians who share our vision to pursue biblical justice and reconciliation in their own communities. We want to be an example and to provide resources to help answer the questions that Christians have about how they can confront injustice today. We have highlighted resources that Christians can use to learn more about the realities of racism and injustice, the Biblical basis of justice and reconciliation, and practical ways that they can start being a part of the solution. Check out our featured resources page
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Perkins Zoom Bible Studies
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Guest Speaker Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil
Guest Speaker Jemar Tisby
Guest Speaker Dr. Tony Evans
Guest Speaker Rick Warren